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 Nickserv Commands 

Register /msg nickserv register (password)(email) Make sure you use the correct email address.
Identify /msg nickserv identify (password) Identify every time you sign in.
Ajoin Add /msg nickserv ajoin add (#channel) Add channel to your nick to auto join on connect.
Ajoin Clear /msg nickserv ajoin clear Clear your whole auto join list.
Ajoin Delete /msg nickserv ajoin del (#channel) Deletes channel from auto join.
Ajoin List /msg nickserv ajoin list See your auto join list.
Alist /msg nickserv alist Lists the channels you have access on.
Change Password /msg nickserv set password (newpassword) To change your password.
Drop /msg nickserv drop (nickname) Drops your registered or grouped nick.
Ghost /msg nickserv ghost (nick) (password) Kill your nick that is busy pinging out.
Glist /msg nickserv glist See the nicks grouped to your registered nick.
Group /msg nickserv group (nick) (password) Group nick you are using with your registered nick.
Info /msg nickserv (nick) info Shows you info on a nick.
Recover /msg nickserv recover (nick) (password) Kill another user who has taken your nick.
Release /msg nickserv release (nick) (password) Regain custody of your nick after recovery.
Set Email /msg nickserv set email (emailaddress) Set/change your email address on your nick info.
Set Kill /msg nickserv set kill on Set so nobody can use your nick.
Set Secure /msg nickserv set secure on Set so nobody can use your nick.
Set URL /msg nickserv set url (urladdress) Set your web address on your nick info.
Update /msg nickserv update Updates your nick info.

Other User Commands

Actions /me (action) Types an action.
Away On /away (enter away message) Set yourself away.
Away Off /away Takes you out and back into the channel.
Channel Hop /hop Lists all channels on the server.
Channel List /list Lists all channels on the server.
Channel Join /join (#channel) To join a channel.
Channel Part /part (#channel) To part a channel.
Ignore User Add /ignore (nickname) Ignore another person.
Ignore User Del /ignore -r (nickname) Unignore another person.
Nick Change /nick (NewNick) To change your nick.
Notify Add /notify (nickname) Adds a user to your notify list.
Notify Delete /notify -r (nickname) Remove user off your notify list.
Notify List /notify -list See all on your notify list.
Notify Off notify off Set notify list off.
Notify On /notify on Set notify list on.
Ping /ping (nickname) See yours or anothers lag time.
Private Chat /query (nickname) To go into private chat with another person
Private Notice /notice (nickname)(blahblahblah) Shows up in their active screen.
Quit /quit (enter quit message) Quit irc chat with an exit message.
Server Address /link Displays server connections.
Whois /whois (nickname) Info on a nickname.
Whowas /whowas (nickname) Info on a nickname that has left.

Memoserv Commands

Send Memo /msg memoserv send nickname Send a memo to a person.
Cancel Memo /msg memoserv cancel nickname Cancels a memo you just sent.
List Memo /msg memoserv list Lists your memos.
Read Memo /msg memoserv read last/number Read your last memo or a specific number.
Delete Memo /msg memoserv delete number/all Delete a specific memo or all of them.
Info Memo /msg memoserv info See your memoserv settings.
Check Memo /msg memoserv check nickname Check if a person has read your memo.

Hostserv Commands

VHOST After being registered for 3 months you can request a unique vhost.
Request /msg hostserv request blah@this.is.mine Anything you want. Admin will confirm via memo.
Update /ns update Type this if it doesn't show after you identified.
Group /msg hostserv group Set the vhost to all the nicks in your nick group.
Change Vhost /msg hostserv request blah@i.want.this Same as request, just change it to what you want.
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